
Monday, March 7, 2011

8 lbs. of Buttery Goodness

We had big plans for the weekend.  We were going to go up to Malabar Farms for their Maple Syrup Festival, but it rained and neither of us felt like trudging through mud so we nixed that.  Also on the schedule was the Short North's Gallery Hop.  My main reason for wanting to go to the Gallery Hop was really for just 2 places:  Brothers Drake Meadery and Middle West Spirits.  Both places I've wanted to visit and sample, but more so Brothers Drake.  I've never had mead, and once I learned of it, I became extremely curious!  Saturday was also the opening of their new location so I knew they would be busy.  Between the rain, and knowing that the one place I really wanted to go was probably going to be packed, we decided to just stay in.  I reluctantly went into work for a few hours both Saturday and Sunday, but that isn't all that exciting.

Between the rain, work, and just being lazy we didn't get a whole lot done this weekend.  The big event though came on Sunday when we did a marathon butter making extravaganza!

2 gallons of Ohio's finest whipping cream

7ish lbs. of butter and 16 cups of buttermilk

It was quite the butter production, that's for sure.  Only two of these pounds and about 6 cups of buttermilk stayed here.  The rest was spread with love to some other people that had expressed some interest once they found out we were "crazy" enough to make our butter.  Hopefully they enjoy it as much as we do!  We are trying to figure out what we can do with all the buttermilk we have now.  Some will most definitely become pancakes next weekend, but the rest we might try to make some biscuits and freeze them.  It would definitely be nice to have some biscuits frozen and ready to pop in the oven when we are short on time, instead of having to stir them together every time.  Other than that, we're not sure how we can put it all to good use.  Do you have any suggestions?  Please feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions.

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