On Wednesday September 14, 2011, we had to make the decision we'd been dreading for a while. It was finally time to say goodbye to our sweet Gracie.
It hasn't been an easy year. There have many ups and downs, but we cherished every day we had with her.
She was a fighter until the end, but Tuesday night, her body let us know that it was time. We took her to the vet on Wednesday morning, and she went quickly and peacefully. It was the hardest thing either of us has ever had to do. It hasn't been easy since then, but we are staying positive and remember all the wonderful times and the joyous 9 years of life she gave me, and then, us once we were a family.
The following is only a small part of her life in still pictures. These are some of the happiest moments we remember with her. We've had fun going through the old pictures to put this together for ourselves and for everyone who loved her.
So lovely, Eric. Brought me to tears.
Oh man! I miss her! She was always so happy, even in her very last photo.
Papaw shed some eye-water at this slide show as well. We'll always miss and love our grandpup.
That was really nice Eric, a wonderful tribute. For a vet, I'm a total softy... made me eary. Sorry again you guys, loved the pictures.
Love Meg
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