This weekend we had our family o' friends over for a Christmas movie marathon/cookie bake. It was so great to be able to spend so much time with such good friends. I still miss being in college, living with the girls, sometimes and having my best friends around all the time. We still get together as much as we can now, but it's been a long time since any of us have lounged around in our pajamas and just enjoyed the company. We were missing many who have moved too far to make it back for a short weekend, but a great time was had by all. And it was even better than being back in college - the pups and baby (err, toddler) make everything so much more fun!
We kicked the weekend off Friday night with some good food and Elf. We started again with an awesome breakfast casserole made by Eric and the Muppet Christmas on Saturday morning once everyone from in town made it back over. Eric and I decided to make sticky rolls instead of cookies. Gracie apparently thought they were all for her. We put the dough by the register in the living room to rise, thinking that it would be well watched. When the girls decided to leave on a short excursion, I had a bad feeling about it there. But Eric was going to be home, and I figured he would be back in the living room soon to keep an eye on it. Well, he figured I wouldn't have left and left it down...
When the girls got back, Gracie had eaten about half of the dough that was only partly through its first rise. Caught in the act, she was very sorry. Luckily with our group of friends, there is almost always someone of the veterinary persuasion around. We decided that we would induce vomiting this time. She has a stomach of steel, but there was no way it could handle that much dough rising inside. Turns out we underestimated the strength of her stomach. I've never seen peroxide not work at making a dog throw up. Twenty minutes later we had to bring a very uncomfortable Gracie back inside and just leave her in the kitchen. She finally threw up about half an hour later. Twice. And twice more later in the evening. The good news is that I have a legitimate excuse to replace my cheap Christmas tree skirt!
Even with a vomiting, uncomfortable Gracie, we all had a great time. We baked come cookies, chilled on the couch, watched Liam and Webster play, and cleaned the kitchen more than a few times. It was so nice having a little one around and hearing little feet on our wood floors all day. Sarah and I really enjoyed getting to give Liam a bath and put him to bed. How many childless women does it take to put a sleeper on a sleepy toddler? Too cute. There's no denying that I can't wait to have kids, but I can hear Eric in my head saying "stick to the plan, woman!"
I'll leave you with two videos. Webster taught Liam to play ball for the first time 10 months ago, when he was 11 months old. Now, Liam is a pro. They play so well together. It never gets old watching them.
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